RTMP ports range, how to block RTMP in network?

Support: WFilter zh.4.0, WFilter en.4.0, WFilter Free 1.0
  Author: imfirewall  
       The Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) was designed for high-performance transmission of audio, video, and data between Adobe Flash Platform technologies, including Adobe Flash Player and Adobe AIR. RTMP is now available as an open specification to create products and technology that enable delivery of video, audio, and data in the open AMF, SWF, FLV, and F4V formats compatible with Adobe Flash Player.  

This protocol is official supported and installed by default.


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RTMP uses TCP protocol for communication.

TCP traffic analysis

Ports Range

Remote tcp port(s): 1935,80,443.

HTTP traffic analysis

HTTP traffic is found in RTMP's traffic.