Orb ports range, how to block Orb in network?

Support: WFilter zh.4.0, WFilter en.4.0, WFilter Free 1.0
  Author: imfirewall  
      Orb is a freeware streaming software that enables users to remotely access all their personal digital media files including pictures, music, videos, webcams and television.  

This protocol is official supported and installed by default.


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Orb uses both TCP and UDP protocol for communication.

TCP traffic analysis

Ports Range

Remote tcp port(s): 86, 85.

HTTP traffic analysis

HTTP traffic is found in Orb's traffic.

Host(s) being connected(regular expression): mycast.orb.com.

UDP traffic analysis

Ports Range

Remote udp port(s): 1900,1901.

  • Orb|3.18.0011