Plugins List ->WFilter Settings Sync

WFilter Settings Sync

  Plugin Name:
WFilter Settings Sync
  Plugin Version: 5.0  
  Support: WFilter zh.4.1, WFilter en.4.1  
  Author: imfirewall  
  ModifyTime: 2016-07-07 02:44:38  

This plugin can detect status of multiple WFilter servers, settings can also be synchronized to selected servers.


This plugin is official supported. You can install it in "System Settings"->"Plugins" of WFilter.


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i want to try
By 121.96.53.* on 2017-06-23 04:45:53   like( 0 ) dislike( 0 )

WFilter Settings Sync v5.0(2014-09-18 23:28:16)

Resolved the sync problem of "Website Categories"

WFilter Settings Sync v4.0(2014-07-09 04:06:39)

Resolved the problem of can not stopping

WFilter Settings Sync v3.0(2014-07-08 04:50:19)

Update js file

WFilter Settings Sync v2.0(2013-10-15 23:26:04)

Optimized code.

WFilter Settings Sync v1.0(2013-07-11 01:26:54)

First release.